(Versión en Castellano)
The following one is a description of all the stages of the processing up to the integration.
General Information:
Object: NGC 3324 y NGC 3293
Camera: Canon EOS Digital Rebel Xsi - Type I Filter.
Telescope: William Optics 132 FLT - Focal Length 925 mm - f/7
Number of original captures: 71 x 4 minutes. ISO 800. Taken in three diferents days
Program used: PixInsight
Comentarios: Guided with Orion 100 and SSAG from Trenel, La Pampa.
Visualize and reject useless images:
Because of having a processor with limited capacities I visualize only a portion of the images with "Animation"
Initial Settings to see the debayer RAW files:
ImagenContainer: I include all the available images.
Slide the ImageContainer on the desktop.
I open an image and determine the area to crop. Approximately 20 % of the original
I drag and drop the ImageContainer on the low bar of Crop's window to apply the Crop to all the images:
With Animation I open all the _crop and reject the images that are moved or with bad focus.
I reject all the crops away and correct the settings to open the RAW without debayerizing:
Already having integrated the Darks and Bias to generate the MasterDark and the MasterBias I calibrate all the .RAW with Image Calibration:
I select all the calibrated images and debayer with BatchDebayerScript:
I visualize again the images to analyze the result of the calibration:
Analysis of calibration:
Locking at "Animation" I select the best image that seems to be 104.
From 68 to 72 and 13 to 59 are inverted
And are not correctly calibrated from 53 to 58 in the green channel and from 25 to to 30 in the red channel. (Not sure what I am doing badly in this point).
I have two options, select each of the images to recalibrate, separate the channels RGB and sustract the DebayerMasterDark of the channel that is wrong affected by a value that fix well the hot pixels that had not been eliminated and then recombine or take the original nodebayer image .CR2 and calibrate manually (that is the following example). For this I select the NoDebayerMasterDark that must be before calibrated with the NoDebayerMasterBias).
Example: Image 52 is well and 53 is still with hot pixels in green channel:
Open each image, MasterBias and MasterDark:
Substract MasterBias from MasterDark
I calibrate the image substracting the MasterDark affected by a value (proof and error) until all the hotpixeles are removed correctly.
Image before and after calibration:
I repeat the operation for each of the images and then the debayer with the BatchDebayerScript.
StarAlignment and Integration:
In StarAlignment select image 104 as reference and in Target select all the calibrated and debayer images. All settings by default:
It could be useful to visualize again and see if something was not registered well. I fulfil a small crop of the whole registered lot and visualize them with Animation.
All good, then I continue with the integration. I select image 104 as reference and the following parameters that always are different!
...and here is the integration:
Capture of screen comparing an individual photo and the integration:
And finally the image after processing:
Resolución óptima para visualizar: 1680 x 1050